Thursday, October 2, 2008

Let's get started...

Ok, after thinking for quite a while that I just didn't have time in my life for blogging I have finally succumbed! The kicker came from a lesson in Relief Society a few months ago about family history. While listening to that lesson I mentally kicked myself a half dozen times for never writing regularly in a journal. But then our teacher happened to mention that she considers her blog her journal and prints it out periodically. That's when my wheels started turning and I realized that having a family blog could accomplish many things for our family. Things we have always wanted to do but never really made the time for. I am hoping that Paul and all the kids will take part and post periodically, but I will do my best to make up for them if they don't. I am not a particularly clever or witty writer so I won't attempt that. My postings will just be the day to day goings on of our family and our lives.

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