Thursday, October 2, 2008

Update on everyone

Here is a brief update on everyone: taking a much needed day off today, he is home with Claire as I am typing. We've had a nasty cold going through the family and his normally healthy body finally succumbed! Paul is looking forward (not) to working some long hours for the next couple of weeks until his extension deadline on the 16th. He is also following his beloved Los Angeles Dodgers in the play-offs.

Carole....hmmm....what can I say here? You mothers that read this know for yourselves the day-to-day busy-ness that my life entails taking care of a family. Lately we have been spending time on Halloween costumes for the kids. Priscilla, Jason and Clay are all going to be hippies. We are going to tie dye shirts and then the boys each have a funky wig, glasses and peace sign necklaces. Caroline is going to be an indian. We are starting her custume tonight, making it out or brown felt. Then she is going to help me bead some of the fringe. Claire is going to be a cute purple and pink butterfly. Having never celebrated Halloween much growing up I was never really into it when Clay was younger. But as the kids have grown I find it so fun just to watch them take so much innocent enjoyment out of planning and dressing up. I don't allow gross or yucky things though. One of my favorite things that we do for Halloween is that I prepare silly dinner with things like "mummies in a coffin" (meatloaf covered in strips of cheese in a hollowed out mini loaf of bread) or "bloody rats" (again, miniature meatloaf covered in tomato sauce olives for eyes and pretzels for whiskers). I'm not sure why exactly I like this so much. Again, it makes me happy to see the kids happy and finding enjoyment in something so simple and silly as their food. busy with a play that she is a part of. I can't remember the exact name of the play, she playing a fish monger. She is still working part-time at Herbergers department store in the mall but is not really happy there and considering options elswhere.

Jason....just had a letter to the editor published in the newspaper that he wrote for scouts. This is what his letter said:

Dear Editor,

In the city council meeting on September 16 there was a debate about flood insurance. I think it is a rip off to buy flood insuarance. We are living in Wyoming where there is a flood every 100 years. We're spending hundreds of dollars every year in insurance we don't need. They've only claimed $3,800 in history. I think flood insurance is just a rip off.

Jason Edman working up to the completion of his webelos badge for cub scouts. He is almost done with book seven in the Harry Potter series. It has taken me a few years to convince him that he would enjoy Harry Potter and now he has devoured the entire series in less than two months. Clay is an avid reader. In fact he reads so much that sometimes he has a hard time finding new material to read. If you have a book you think he would like, please let us know. :)

Caroline....Is enduring life with braces. Those of you who have had braces can sympathize with her. Caroline is also an avid reader. Right now she is reading a series of fairy books. Caroline recently started Tavaci choir as well as her school choir and loves them both. She enjoys picking out her clothes every day and then pours over her earrings trying to find which ones match her outfit the best (Can you tell she is a girl?!?!).

Claire....what can I say about this girl? She pretty much runs tha family as we are all at her beck and call for anything and everything. Claire is so lucky and blessed to have such wonderful big brothers and sisters. She has started telling us "You're my best friend" which of course just melts your heart. She likes to talk about things that happened in the past saying "remember yesterday..." and then telling about something that happened. What we would do without Claire I just don't know. She is a constant source and amusement and joy for us all.


mommymuse said...

Hello my dimpled darling! I just tagged you on my blog. Enjoy!

Sherry Johns said...

Hi Carole and family. I enjoyed your blog with all the news about everyone. I imagine Paul is even busier now with quarterlies just days away. Send some photos of Priscilla in the play. Jason, you wrote a well-written letter. DId you get a response? Clay, have you heard of a book series: "WArriors"? It's about cats. There are two series now. One of the teachers at school wants me to order the set for the library. See if your library has them. Caroline, fairy books are so fun to read, Which are your favorites. How is choir going? Send photos of you in your halloween costume. Claire, so you are the boss, huh? Have a fun and safe halloween dressing up. Do you still have your dollies and blankies?

Carole - thanks for making the blog. I'll do better at responding. I like keepingin otuch this way. have you looked at my blog? I finally wrote something!Plus my library blog.You do a wonderful job raising your family. I love you - MOM